
New Player review/perspective.

The lack of documentation is a bit more of an issue in Ryzom than in other games for a couple of reasons. First, there's a lot of stuff about Ryzom that's unique and/or non-intuitive that you can't just mash buttons like you often can in other games. Many new players I see don't get core concepts like editing actions/spells, and digging is just a nightmare to learn unless you have another player tutoring you. Second, a lot of folks skip right through what the NPCs say, and it's not obvious that there's a signpost that offers to repeat some of their lessons.

Ryzom came out at a time when ALL software came with a manual. It seems to assume that anyone who plays will RTFM before playing. But that's not how things work in 2019, and Ryzom really hasn't done great at adapting to that.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 19:01:31 UTC

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