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... but to feel that there is an active dislike of non-EU players.

Hi Gidget,

It's not a "dislike of non-EU players"... It's rather a time range issue - even rather a lack of time at all.

Most of people from the team are volontiers. Some of them are working (night for US).
I am French, I am in France - no time range issue - and I feel like they need help... but the fact is: it's not easy to help them...
The code is very complex: when you touch here, it break there... and worse I heard that some (volontiers) dev players used the code to cheat :/

Only homins who know very very well Atys can help.
It gives me the impression that the game is held together with bits of string and a piece of tape.

But I don't see any "dislike of non-EU players"...

The series of "Please wait" (at 5 am French time) is still ongoing ?


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger
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Last visit Thursday, 23 May 21:36:22 UTC

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