The right to be forgotten / The duty to maintain one's reputation

On Ryzom, time flies faster than in our reality. Yet, even after several decades, governments and tribes do not forget us: our reputations do not move a muscle.

I think it would be more relevant that the reputations of our avatars slowly approach 0 over time, and that this decrease / increase would be weighted by the reputations of the guild in which we are.

This would allow players to be able to be forgotten (in a RP point a view), and would also require them to maintain actively their reputation.


Bélénor Nebius, compagnon de vie de Pü Fu-Tao et auteur des Chroniques de la Première Croisade. Grâce à lui, le Culte Noir de Ma-Duk ne fut jamais oublié, et les Rôdeurs d'Atys purent reprendre le flambeau depuis les Nouvelles Terres.
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