JY 2603 Fixing Patch (2019-05-27)

NH dapper rewards were tiny compared to what overseers pay, and the fame wasn't really a draw for me; it was strictly about faction points. Also, unlike other missions, package runs cost money. Unless they want to remove the need to feed meks, the cost of 8-10 bales is something that should be compensated ... though I would not be opposed to getting two bales of concentrated forage per mission in lieu of dappers.

As for the current 54k, that's a bit much for Grade 1 but it's always confused me why the rewards were the same for all grades. And given what's available to those who can even do Grade 5/6 occupations, 54k is also conditionally low too. But now that NH gives no points, occupations have no point anyways, nor (aside from Scrollmaker and G1 Larvester) will they unless product use times are cut, so NH rewards are moot.

Oh, and the idea of rewarding tokens should be a "choose your reward" thing if it happens or there will be even less incentive to do anything for NH. Sure, some may argue that it'd get more people to play the wheel, but I'd counter that that assumes people won't just quit. Whether they quit NH missions or Ryzom may vary,but either way it won't work as intended.


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