BTW, the Tour of the Camps missions do not need to be done on a mek. In fact, I believe that the conventional wisdom was that it was preferable to do them on foot (at least in the forest).
This is no longer accurate. For a while and a long time ago, package weight was largely reduce, so it became possible to do the tour without mek and allowed the use of TPs and such and made the tours much faster.
I'm rather a regular with casual periods player and I can either way agree with you so much. Especially since the tours were at one point so interesting and motivated so many guild events (at Armas we held them every thursday and we'd ride together 1-4 routes)... the introduction of NH and such easy rewards felt like an exploit for many of us too and of course took away interest from such a set of nicely thought missions...
Anyway... power to the players i guess x)