JY 2603 Fixing Patch (2019-05-27)

I'm a very casual player that has been playing off and on for almost 8 years. When NH first came out, I felt for sure that the extremely high rewards were just temporary and would soon be corrected (i.e., within a few weeks or months). When I revisited the game a year later, I was surprised and amused the the NH was still accepting occupation products and giving out those huge rewards. Fast forward a few years later, and NH was STILL the same. This was no longer amusing and was just sad that something so obviously out of balance with the rest of the game still had not been corrected.

For me, the huge discrepancy between the NH rewards and those of the other missions made it feel like an exploit (i.e., it felt almost like cheating), and it detracted from the immersive nature of the game. Also, it made it seem like the devs were neglecting the game by allowing something so broken to persist for so long.

So regarding this patch, I say better late than never! Actually, the patches over the last couple of years look great (and with the Freemium model, it finally makes sense for a casual player like me to sub!), and they give a good impression that WG is committed to keeping the game going long-term.

I think the 54k reward for occupation products still seems high. Perhaps it would make more sense to remove the dapper reward altogether and instead reward tokens that can be used for either NH transportation or playing the wheel.
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