JY 2603 Fixing Patch (2019-05-27)

I never said anything about what one got at maximum fame, only what I got for playing one who does not place any nation over another. But as you can see from the table Moniq provided, the fame required to earn faction points at all is fairly high, and those who do swear allegiance to the only nation their guild will allow them to earned four times as much.

That lead to many hollow pledges of loyalty, and much resentment as one could not choose to play the character they wanted while still being in the same guild as their closest friends. And while the new mechanics change 4* to 2.5*, they still discourage freedom while ađding the new flaw of also being a hellacious time-suck. That goes triple in Lakes as the mission-givers are so far from civilization that it's a 10-minute trek just to take the missions and another one to turn in the mats. Why do the devs hate Trykers?


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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