JY 2603 Fixing Patch (2019-05-27)

Aleeskandaro -- What is this digging mission you are talking about? The only things that have ever given me nation points have been Corporal missions (kill bandits) and the supply runs. (I only did occupations for the ones I needed for Roleplay or that I wanted for the end product.)

Bittty, next to every package run mission giver theres a prospector NPC. They give those digging missions.

And afaik corporals don't give any civ points, however, as a mara, I wouldn't know ^^

they cannot patch the community.

Very true, but luckily, the community's poison eventually dies off by itself, people who belittle and backslash others for voicing opinions eventually leave and stop playing altogether, sadly they can be very loud at times and seem much more than they really are. 

But we can talk about that on other channels :)


So, you used to get 1800 points at 100 lake fame? Do you know how many points people with minimum fame made?



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