JY 2603 Fixing Patch (2019-05-27)

Sure.. but is it really relevant?

Not saying it isn't, just in all "serious" game that are time consuming and require involvement like a MMO, you cannot expect easy-peasy features for people that play 3h a days while gaining the same rewards/value than a lets say more involved client..
It's a business, we are the product and it is better for WG if they push people to stay online, or any MMO producer.

Could be better to try pleasing any type of players, every type of clients but this most of the time lead to failure, that why a lot of product goal focus on prioritizing certain type of target.

I don't think we should expect Ryzom to cover all range (from hard-core Diablo fan to candy crush), in the actual state it can't be afforded, that my opinion ofc.

Maybe we could make a players driven team to create content and stories for a hundred of (new) missions via scenario and writters? With a Lorist monitoring the project. This could help.

Let NH sink and we try to get real quests for once lol, something to make people login and sub, a game should be fun :p


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