My commentary is all secondhand, so not pointing out problems, just trying to get an understanding of what the goal was and if it's been successfully addressed.
1. The NH rewards were way out of whack for the effort .... thinking back to the time immediately post merge, it took a long time to bring the occupations back up again, run the fame missions to get all the national fames maxed out. With NY, 3 days and you went 0 - 50.
2. Never thought the double bonus for 100 fame was a fair thing. Undoubtedly, everyone who had it would disagree. If they passed a tax cut where everyone whose name began with a vowel, everyone whose name began with one would love it .... those whose names began with consonents ... not so much. At least those who did the 50-50-50-50 thing were balanced a bit by the free rides in 4 nations; this provided at least a scintilla towards balance. Now that's gone.
3. I have had a few "I'm logging off, too frustrating" conversations with folks ... some things I agree with, some I don't, The NH rewards were too extravagant ... the new rewards seem even more so.
4. Though I'm not a ranger, this appears to be hitting them hard ... when ya can gain or lose 8 points just by doing 4 missions, dropping below 42 is a real risk. Yes, the auto counter argument will be "well pay attention" ... the auto counter to that will be "nobody else has to". Are the Rangers the only ones who have to redo the rite if their fame drops below a certain level ? And at 250k a clip.... what's the goal here ?... the stated need to wipe everything at the server merge was that the ecomy was borked cause eveyone had too much money ....
5. I paid much attention to the fame mechanics over the previous 2 years. In chasing achievments, if you planned the routine well, it was such that if ya gained 0.40 points from a misiion... you might lose 0.04. I was chatting with a player today and found that, for the missions he was doing ... for every 1.0 point gained, he wa slosing 1.2 points. While this is a great system if you are trying to max negative fame ... how does one max positive fame ? For those trying to have balanced fame ... it seems to be a lose-lose proposition. How does one carry thru the achievments they been working on for a couple of years is for every 5 steps forward, ya take 6 steps back.
Again, I have been on a digging / crafting spurt the last week or so so Im not doing much of anything else. But for every craft level gained, one earns about 6 levels in chat. Either what these conversations have revealed is correct or it is not. But what is clear is that many players don't understand the mechanics and don't see a way to continue to pursue the goals that they have set for themselves.
Like with any "new thing", when folks don't undertsnd something, they tend to make pre-mature judgments and assume the worst. The preparation of a guide or individual foum topics collecting player experiences as to how to approach the new changes from the perspective of Kami / Kara, Ranger, Neutral, Marauder would I think stem much of the anxiety. Im sure it would also help staff address balancing issues if the PoVs presented from each side of the table were presnted from the PoV from each group individually crosstalk betwenn the groups.
1. The NH rewards were way out of whack for the effort .... thinking back to the time immediately post merge, it took a long time to bring the occupations back up again, run the fame missions to get all the national fames maxed out. With NY, 3 days and you went 0 - 50.
2. Never thought the double bonus for 100 fame was a fair thing. Undoubtedly, everyone who had it would disagree. If they passed a tax cut where everyone whose name began with a vowel, everyone whose name began with one would love it .... those whose names began with consonents ... not so much. At least those who did the 50-50-50-50 thing were balanced a bit by the free rides in 4 nations; this provided at least a scintilla towards balance. Now that's gone.
3. I have had a few "I'm logging off, too frustrating" conversations with folks ... some things I agree with, some I don't, The NH rewards were too extravagant ... the new rewards seem even more so.
4. Though I'm not a ranger, this appears to be hitting them hard ... when ya can gain or lose 8 points just by doing 4 missions, dropping below 42 is a real risk. Yes, the auto counter argument will be "well pay attention" ... the auto counter to that will be "nobody else has to". Are the Rangers the only ones who have to redo the rite if their fame drops below a certain level ? And at 250k a clip.... what's the goal here ?... the stated need to wipe everything at the server merge was that the ecomy was borked cause eveyone had too much money ....
5. I paid much attention to the fame mechanics over the previous 2 years. In chasing achievments, if you planned the routine well, it was such that if ya gained 0.40 points from a misiion... you might lose 0.04. I was chatting with a player today and found that, for the missions he was doing ... for every 1.0 point gained, he wa slosing 1.2 points. While this is a great system if you are trying to max negative fame ... how does one max positive fame ? For those trying to have balanced fame ... it seems to be a lose-lose proposition. How does one carry thru the achievments they been working on for a couple of years is for every 5 steps forward, ya take 6 steps back.
Again, I have been on a digging / crafting spurt the last week or so so Im not doing much of anything else. But for every craft level gained, one earns about 6 levels in chat. Either what these conversations have revealed is correct or it is not. But what is clear is that many players don't understand the mechanics and don't see a way to continue to pursue the goals that they have set for themselves.
Like with any "new thing", when folks don't undertsnd something, they tend to make pre-mature judgments and assume the worst. The preparation of a guide or individual foum topics collecting player experiences as to how to approach the new changes from the perspective of Kami / Kara, Ranger, Neutral, Marauder would I think stem much of the anxiety. Im sure it would also help staff address balancing issues if the PoVs presented from each side of the table were presnted from the PoV from each group individually crosstalk betwenn the groups.