Jena Year 2603 Patch (Patch 3.5.0 - 2019-05-18)

I have no millions either, I have master in craft and harvesting but reselling your "xp. grind craft items" doesn't fill your wallet anymore.
Overseers are still a thing... and not all of them are in cities, so Marauders can still earn a living. You just have to be careful which tribes you deal with.
"but but... the newcomers!" - Honestly, the game saw a thousand fold more newcomers when you had to work for things.
The game also saw more newcomers back when the graphics were not quaintly antiquated, when MOBAs did not exist. Correlation is not causation. The simply truth is that 2019 is not 2009. But if you want to blame something irrelevant, you could blame gas prices, global warming, or the decline in writing quality of Game of Thrones over the course of it's 8-season run.
"but but... the game is too hard already!!" - Is it really? You can get a master in a week if you have too much free time, 2 weeks if you play in the evenings, 3 weeks if you play only WE and so on. Grind is a vital aspect of the game, and with 63 branches for it... I'm sorry but if you're not the type who enjoys the path, its probably not the game for you, theres always candy crush, do you all complain like this when you run out of lives??
Sure, insult people; that will entice them to stay. Everyone LOVES being called "lazy". Besides, that sort of grinding takes knowledge that many don't have. I've seen folks complain that after ~40 hours of play they could not buy Acid 3. Does the fact that I, a player who has been here for years who already knows mechanics, got an F2P alt past that level in under an hour make his experience invalid?
Honestly its exhausting the degree of mimimi going on these days.
I'm sorry but if you're not the type who enjoys the path, its probably not the game for you, theres always candy crush.
Finally it's worth noting that with Crystals everyone could get a master in a matter of 4-5 days; Revvy and I used to have a competition who would finish a master faster. That's not good for the long-term viability of the game; as point of fact, many players I know, myself included, are bored of the game because we dont have much to do anymore.
If you are having that sort of competition then the issue is not the easy grind; you were bored well before that.
Perhaps the intent here is to slow the game down a bit; with the thought that some real end-game will be added? Might be, might not be; this is a speculation; but in lieu of real end-game, slowing the level progression (with harder to earn sap crystals) and with inventing a daper sink that ultimately achieved its purpose (deprived many people on atys from the wealth they had amassed without providing an easy alternative to earn said wealth) the game actually slowed -down for everyone to some respect.
I average about 1.1 masters per year, so level progression is truly only as fast as you want it to be. Is it really worth stopping people from helping teammates just to try to slow down those who are making a deliberate effort to give in to their impulses? I say that the collateral damage is not worth it.

And dappers were never really the real medium of exchange at any point during the time I've been here; it's been mostly barter or gifting. The dapper sink you mention is something that is of little/no interest to many, and those who want dappers can still craft piles of them with a bit of effort.
Hum.. si on en va par la, alors meme les parties de PvP ne dureront plus 15ans, et seront au final plus interessant..
Doubtful. Those who don't already do PvP will not be 'enticed' into it by holding a gun to their head. You can get them to complain, you can get them to quit Ryzom, but if they are not already doing PvP, then these mechanics changes won't help matters. If you want people more interested in PvP then you can't rely on mechanics to twist their arm; you'll have to show them how much fun it can be.
Also, I've seen a lot of new players come here with interest in PvP then leave the game due to the fact that the grind required to last more than 3 seconds into a fight is rather long. Could you offer me your opinion on how to reconcile the desire for more PvPers with the desire to slow down the grind? To my eyes, it seems.... counter-productive.

Given the number of folks who are mildly happy with this change versus the number who are very unhappy, I think it's clear what needs to happen here to correct course. Those who were bored enough to grind a master in under a week will likely get bored quickly and leave regardless of changes to be worth catering to, so it's not in the best interests of Ryzom long-term to cater to them at the cost of losing people who would stay if some of these changes were corrected, especially the sap crystals.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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