Jena Year 2603 Patch (Patch 3.5.0 - 2019-05-18)

My head aches so much after all the whining on every single game channel.

Are you honestly complaining that you can no longer be a millionaire (of dappers and nation points) by exploiting NH? And trying to justify it by saying its damaging to noobs/low levels?

Well here's some insight: As a level 20 Homina who doesn't have an active subscription, doesn't play so often and who has not that many friends, i believe there is no noob-need of crystals, dappers (at least not as much as NH give) or nation points whatsoever.

"but but, catalysers..." - Well, sorry to break it to you but the game is meant to be paid for, there is a F2P period but that doesn't mean you stay F2P forever, its not in anyone's best interest, at all. As such, it is natural and desirable that Catalysers are somehow scarce (even thought they really aren't, you can get 4k catas from each marauder boss, let alone those that can be won on the wheel).

"but but... the newcomers!" - Honestly, the game saw a thousand fold more newcomers when you had to work for things. How many of the people with easy dappers or crystals or catalysers do you see stay?... Exactly. Its also a matter of some... fairness principle, a person who does nothing but occupation, should they really be rewarded more as one who ground a skill i.e to craft missions? Is it fair that fortunes don't mean a thing nowadays? That a level 20 toon can have as many dappers and even more than the multi-master?

"but but... the game is too hard already!!" - Is it really? You can get a master in a week if you have too much free time, 2 weeks if you play in the evenings, 3 weeks if you play only WE and so on. Grind is a vital aspect of the game, and with 63 branches for it... I'm sorry but if you're not the type who enjoys the path, its probably not the game for you, theres always candy crush, do you all complain like this when you run out of lives??
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