Jena Year 2603 Patch (Patch 3.5.0 - 2019-05-18)

A low level free to play homin who just started now faces a massive time sink of either wasting hours on a faction run (that they might not even be able to complete due to heavy aggro in high level zones) for very few cats, or grinding levels at half the speed.

OMG this sounds so fun and egaging, be prepared to make the new players stick to this game and a flood of newbies in Silan because of this patch ... just imagine all those added grinding hours that mostly affect the newbies/f2p lowbies ... Kapparino pepperino.

and no, players who disagree on the NH nerf don't think that the game only revolves around the NH .. pfft!

For me doing Occs is only justifiable because of the rewards and that's it, it actually needed a buff/rebalancing, the rewards should match the grade of the Occs product handed, so a Grade VI Water Carrier should be able to earn more rewards compared to a grade II Water carrier etc.

I've read the argument that no one does missions because of the NH rewards, solution, remove NH rewards and force the players to do missions they never wanted to do in the first place.. results, even slower paced grind, more time sink (beucase those missions have level requirement and isn't really worth doing it below 150 lvls).. = fun ??? 0.0

ah yes.. this is called progress on the other side of the globe..

*Honk* *Honk*



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