Discussion around "Outpost Refactoring"

I am only going to comment on the "availability" issue rather than any of the tactics oriented ones since I personally do not participate. Only think I will say here is, with a single server, the "We gonna attack you at your most inconvenient time .... and then you are going to do the same to us at our most inconvenient time' just seems 'silly"

Not quite sure I understand the complete idea but, if I am understanding what is proposed, I don't think it makes sense for a 50 level OP to produce 250 mats. The mat rotation makes sense and perhaps the chance of a 150 making a 200 makes sense at say twice the rate it does now would be good.

But remembering the "advanced occupations" that existed pre-merge... I would much rather see:

take two 50s to make a 100 ... take two 100s to make a 150 ... take two 150s to make a 200 ... take 3 200s to make a 250. So if I'm thinking right, you need 24 QL 50 mats to earn a 250. It's another skill to get involved in and gives value to the low level OPs.

Having a horde of 250 players invade a 50 OP is like having a bunch of college players doing pick-up games at the elementary school playground where the baskets are 6 feet off the ground.


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Last visit Thursday, 13 March 10:09:28 UTC

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