Last night, I crashed while talking to Thesos NH.
I created a ticket this morning.
Other toons on the accounts are ok.
I can log and choose CraftJenn, I see Thesos (and NPC mooving), the mouse cursor turn and then Ryzom crash after 2 sec.
I tried to:
* renamme the cache folder
* moved all craftjenn's files in the save folder (.log .xml and icfg)
Logs are here https://framabin.org/p/?86379586d68767ad#lL51r9KbaOrA9LxKHDpMRRe8 bKrM7tZsKhvlnea70k4=
I tried on an other PC (linux too), freshly patched: same issue.
It seems then it's not an issue on the client, but mayebe on the server ?
(As craftjenn on other PC: crash. All toons on same account ok. All toons on my 2nd account are all ok.)
Any other idea ?
Mon profil sur le wiki Francais
Craftjenn, Ranger