

you're kinda spoiled for complaining/being disapointed

The disappointment goes beyond the point of being spoiled or not. Many of us/you were indeed. That doesn't mean the event as a whole isn't a ridiculous Joke.

Dappers on Atys are pretty insignificant outside the OP context. The only additional and artificial use for them was the wheel, for which I and many others spent 100's of Millions, in order to get the rewards that everyone is finding on eggs with absolutely no effort and no time. The joke tells itself.

As Tip for the Ryzom Team, think through what events you put in place, have some character too. Its so unbelievable that someone gets to complain for a minor thing and it gets changed for something totally worse.

This is it for me, thanks for spoiling all the time and effort I put into getting those rewards, they mean nothing now.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 20:58:47 UTC

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