Temporary Insanity

Sat Aug 14:

Time for an Update:

We did our usual Slaying of the Marauders Npc's
and again we didnt get the Plan drops we wanted and
is a bit frustrating and also Funny but we will get them,
is only a matter of time.

Not a bad outing at all 4 new crystals and 4 more
plans even tho we have them already they can become
usefull later on. during this past week we had some very
interesting Situations but nothing we cannot handle.

We are looking Forward to the next coming Week(s)
we also have a few returning Members that are going to
stay for a while so Welcome Back and Get ready because
Ma-Duk willing is going to be a bumpy ride. :)


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues
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