The Last Convoy – A report
Everything is quiet in this starry night of Sawdust Mines. We can hear the whisper of the wind and some distant roarings.
Suddenly a voice breaks the silence.
"Hey, raspal! Come here, have to tell you what happened to us, we the most beautiful, the strongest... *hiiips*
— Oops! Er… Why did the Bark move?
— Where are you?"
*raspal gruntings*
"Oh, here you are! So listen carefully, I'll tell you the most fabulous of tales.
I, Ibikiros Dyton, departed from our drilling camp in Oflovak's Oasis and relying only on my courage, I conveyed thirty mektoubs loaded with materials all the way to Thesos in order to complete this marvel of Atys, the Great Wall of Thesos!"
*raspal snuffling and snorting*
"Ah ney, there were two, three homins with me, but it's anecdotic. There was the big one, what's his name again, Azatruc. He pretended to take the lead, but he quickly understood where his rightful place was. Iocamus Miros was riding his mek and wanted to lead but he is deaf as a doorpost, so was just me left!
We hadn't walked 30 meters when maras fell on us. I only had to show my axe for them to scatter. Ney, talen! The others hit them on the head a little bit, too. Maras saw that they were overwhelmed, so they didn't persist.
We moved on using the bridges over there."
*big crash of a fall*
"Oops! On the ground again! So why did you make me raise up my hand to show you!"
*raspal gruntings*
"Wham! A smack on one side, a good ice-cold blast on the other, whole rows of kinchers and other varinx collapsed.
Thesos loomed already in the horizon, we were running as only true Fyros know how to but crash: these detal meks started to balk and we had to go on walking at a walking pace!! Walking pace!! We might as well have had the materials carried by the Trykers, would have gone as fast...
Of course, at this pace, the Maras had time to organize themselves for a second attack. It was hotter, but the meks had passed. We watered the Bark with our sap for the greater glory of the Fyros people!"
*clapping of hooves on bark*
"We gave Aemodon Apotis all her stuff, she just had to do the counting.
Then we headed to the bar to wash off all this dust and the smell of the meks.
And to end this glorious day, I won the drinking duel against Azazor!
Long live the Barke…"
*rrrrr zzzzz rrrrr zzzzz*
Silence has fallen back on the Desert.
Everything is quiet in this starry night of Sawdust Mines. We can hear the whisper of the wind and some distant roarings.
Suddenly a voice breaks the silence.
"Hey, raspal! Come here, have to tell you what happened to us, we the most beautiful, the strongest... *hiiips*
— Oops! Er… Why did the Bark move?
— Where are you?"
*raspal gruntings*
"Oh, here you are! So listen carefully, I'll tell you the most fabulous of tales.
I, Ibikiros Dyton, departed from our drilling camp in Oflovak's Oasis and relying only on my courage, I conveyed thirty mektoubs loaded with materials all the way to Thesos in order to complete this marvel of Atys, the Great Wall of Thesos!"
*raspal snuffling and snorting*
"Ah ney, there were two, three homins with me, but it's anecdotic. There was the big one, what's his name again, Azatruc. He pretended to take the lead, but he quickly understood where his rightful place was. Iocamus Miros was riding his mek and wanted to lead but he is deaf as a doorpost, so was just me left!
We hadn't walked 30 meters when maras fell on us. I only had to show my axe for them to scatter. Ney, talen! The others hit them on the head a little bit, too. Maras saw that they were overwhelmed, so they didn't persist.
We moved on using the bridges over there."
*big crash of a fall*
"Oops! On the ground again! So why did you make me raise up my hand to show you!"
*raspal gruntings*
"Wham! A smack on one side, a good ice-cold blast on the other, whole rows of kinchers and other varinx collapsed.
Thesos loomed already in the horizon, we were running as only true Fyros know how to but crash: these detal meks started to balk and we had to go on walking at a walking pace!! Walking pace!! We might as well have had the materials carried by the Trykers, would have gone as fast...
Of course, at this pace, the Maras had time to organize themselves for a second attack. It was hotter, but the meks had passed. We watered the Bark with our sap for the greater glory of the Fyros people!"
*clapping of hooves on bark*
"We gave Aemodon Apotis all her stuff, she just had to do the counting.
Then we headed to the bar to wash off all this dust and the smell of the meks.
And to end this glorious day, I won the drinking duel against Azazor!
Long live the Barke…"
*rrrrr zzzzz rrrrr zzzzz*
Silence has fallen back on the Desert.