
Abolish artificial restriction "Fraction/Nation<->Guild

You mean written traditions? No, but the traditions are forming in the heads of players. It is a social aspect.

This is a very important point. Lore is nothing but traditions and stories. If you look at Ryzom's lore, a large part of which is captured in the Chronicles, what do you see? History. And are the actions of players and their characters not history? I would say they are.

The recent event with the Fyros trying to once again build their wall and, I suppose, make Thesos great again, and the subsequent marauder raid in order to destroy said wall, was that not Atys history?

Even the KaLaMar alliance that so many hate is history. It's members of different factions uniting against the Kami, each pursuing their own goal within the alliance.

Ryzom is not like WoW where there is a whole bunch of new lore handed to the players every expansion. Its politics have always been largely player-driven. It is up to us to cooperate with the event team and make Atys history. In my eyes, trying to stick to old lore and claiming things can never take a different direction is like saying everyone should still blame the current generation of Germans for World War 2. It has been years since Trykers stopped being enslaved by the Matis. Why should a young Tryker hate a young Matis? Because of something their great-grandparents did? Isn't that a little foolish? By all means, if you wish to play a character who is like that, go ahead. But don't criticize those who see it differently.

Either way, saying how there is no new lore and the RP is dying out won't solve anything. Nothing is stopping you from reaching out to players, asking "hey, want to try roleplay, it can be fun" instead of looking down your nose at them because they don't do it. And there is certainly nothing stopping all of us, as a community, from developing new stories for game.

I agree with you 100%! And that's what I've been trying to say! Thank you for getting to the point!

[quote]Either way, saying how there is no new lore and the RP is dying out won't solve anything. Nothing is stopping you from reaching out to players, asking "hey, want to try roleplay, it can be fun" instead of looking down your nose at them because they don't do it. And there is certainly nothing stopping all of us, as a community, from developing new stories for game.

I agree with that, too! Whining doesn't help anybody. So I will myself, as I have already said:
In order to really want to change something in this direction, you have to creatively expand the lorry that limits the game, because it's so intended by the game principle.

... more involved in lore and role-playing.


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