
Abolish artificial restriction "Fraction/Nation<->Guild

On a la chance d'avoir un jeu avec une lore riche, un environnement magnifique, et certains veulent n'en faire qu'un jeu de pexeur sans lien avec la lore? C'est quoi ce jeu, candy crush? Y'a des tas de jeu en HTML5 pour faire lvl up son perso sans s'embarrasser de l'histoire, de la lore, du rp. Ce serait (c'est) un gâchis sans nom que de casser ça.

Mais bon, continuez les anti rp, continuez, et peu à peu, ceux qui font avancer le jeu vont partir. Parce que bon, on va pas se leurrer hein, c'est pas les anti rp qui font avancer le jeu. C'est tous les bénévoles derrières qui restent et tentent encore de faire des event parce qu'ils croient toujours que le RP n'est pas mort, c'est les dév qui s'essaient à des choses en lien (plus ou moins) avec la lore. Le jour où ils craqueront, le jeu sera fini. Et vous aurez gagné, un jeu vide, creux, sans saveur. Vous serez content alors, à monter vos lvl, à chasser les cadeaux et les oeufs, et jouer à la roue. Ouep, c'est sûr que c'est le genre de jeu qui attire du monde.... (ironie)

Alors que si on arrête de favoriser tous ces anti rp, qu'on arrête de faire des trucs contraire à la lore, on va certes faire fuir une certaines catégories de personnes, mais avec la richesse de la lore qu'on a, on va pouvoir attirer tous les RPistes, tous ceux qui se sont barrés parce que le rp était mort.

A vous de voir quel jeu vous voulez. Mais une chose est sûr, il va falloir choisir. Parce que la patience des rpistes va finir par être réduite à peau de chagrin. Alors posez vous bien la question: qui voulez vous favoriser?

I think we misunderstood each other. I won't allow myself to be accused or the rumor to be "anti-RP" to make Ryzom a Candy Crush. That's not my intention.

Collecting eggs for Christmas is nice, but would never bind me to Ryzom.

As far as the "rich traditions" that you like to emphasize are concerned, I can only find them in corners and niches from my perspective. That would be, for example, a problem that should be tackled.

The traditions I know are very vague and need interpretation. So players with a different understanding, with a different philosophy of life in the RL, suddenly take a different view. And that really has nothing to do with RP and Anti-RP.

I'll take a real-life example of religions like Kami or Karavan. Because when you really do RP, you feel more like you belong to a faction where you see similarities in real life.

For example, the world-famous book called Bible. It's also a rich tradition. Everyone who is fascinated by it wants to preserve it. Here I see a parallel. At that time, a part of the Bible called the Torah was given to the Israelites to preserve and follow. Then at some point a rabbi called Yeshua (Jesus) came. Many others came before him, but he managed to reform the Torah.

What I'm trying to say, and it's really not meant evil, just a little more directly.

If the die-hard role-players continue to blindly follow old traditions, they might miss the train for the new traditions that are developing in parallel. They don't even have to be officially accepted by the Lore team. Just as today's Jews do not accept the traditions of Christians.

The point is not to favour someone, but to observe the development of factions and nations. There is the official, but also the unofficial role play.

If one is not careful not to lead the Homins, sectarianism will gain the upper hand. Who wants that? Nobody. But it's a process that's going on. This is supposed to be a warning for the future, not a threat.

The restriction on guilds is in principle only an artificial one to promote rivalries. Any artificial restriction will be broken at some point. It is the nature of man. Life, even on Atys, takes its course.

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