
Abolish artificial restriction "Fraction/Nation<->Guild

You talk to Heernis too? Funny coincidence, that! And yes, he is understanding. Then again, I do not conflate "understanding" and "agreement" the way you do either. I understand you better than you give me credit for; I simply disagree quite strongly, and I would rather you not mistake my disagreement for simple-mindedness.

Your argument basically boils down to admitting an inability and unwillingness to allow more forward-thinking players to look beyond how Ryzom was 10 years ago. You consider societal change to be disrespectful because you cling to the old ways.

Or maybe you're just afraid of being treated the way many of us have been treated for years.

You ask what enemy we can fight? Have you forgotten why the Trykers fought the Matis in the past and are not fond of Zorai now? Or did you choose Matis because you find their haughtiness and self-entitlement resonated within you just as the Tryker's love for freedom appealed to me? Like I said before, so long as there's folks like you around, we'll never have the unified mega-guild that you seem to think will happen if we don't all bow to your demands for authoritarian division. And our fight won't be because you're Matis or Karavan, though it won't be any less factional. (See another of Heernis' threads for more on that.)

Just because one does not interpret the lore as you do or feel that the future must be identical to the past as you do does not mean we ignore or disrespect lore. In fact, you're part of why I renounced Jena and went Ranger; I respect the lore enough to not gloss over the ideological divide between us simply for the sake of using the same TPs as my guildmates.

But keep going on about how I disrespect lore by interpreting it less fanatically restrictive than you, and how my choosing to be friends with people outside my faction is more of a restriction on you rights than telling me I CANNOT cross faction lines would be to mine. However, I would appreciate it if you showed me at least enough respect to do so without being hypocritical, megalomaniacal, or just plain self-entitled. If you cannot give me at least that little bit of respect, then you cannot expect me to give you unearned respect.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit miércoles 5 junio 06:36:52 UTC

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