
Abolish artificial restriction "Fraction/Nation<->Guild

Comme tu le dis "En temps d'alliance". Donc pendant une période donnée.

Quel intérêt à avoir plusieurs peuples, plusieurs factions (et des nouvelles), une Lore des plus riches et toujours plus enrichies chaque jour. Des event orienté RP et de nation... si c'est pour tout enlever dans les guildes ?
Autant rebâtir Ryzom avec qu'un seul peuple disponible, plus aucune faction, ni nation... une seule carte à explorer. On efface aussi toute la Lore et le RP.

Si ton but est d'avoir une guilde neutre... libre à toi de la faire, avec les contraintes que ça implique. Rappelle-toi que même les guildes alignées sont sous les contraintes de leurs alignements.

My goals are outside this forum post, but if you're addressing it:
  • I am NOT against the lore or to destroy everyone, what RP means or has to do with.
  • I am FOR further development, more human decisions, instead of artificial limitation, but with consequences.

There will still be classic guilds of a faction line even if the artificial restriction is removed. No one is stopping the homins from doing so. There is much more that unites the factions or nations than could be destroyed by the abolition of an artificial "invitation prevention".

On the one hand, I understand that restrictions give security. According to the motto: "A Karavan can never be a member of a Kami guild". But even if he could be invited, the teleporters would tell if he is telling the truth.

That's it. So that we don't misunderstand each other.

One possibility would be to replace an artificial "invitation prevention" by letting the homins pay for it. That is, he loses Dapper to his current faction or the fame decreases significantly. I would see that as a practical consequence.

Practical: A Karavan joins a Kami guild. By accepting the invitation, the Karavan loses 20 fame for example or/and loses 100,000 Dapper to the Karavan as punishment.

That would be, for example, what I could imagine. Whereby the numbers would have to be adapted.


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