Change "Dead Pool" PVP back to faction PVP

I didn't bother to read the entire thread, I got there was something about older version of fame calculation and some "new enemy". Somehow it should bring back the interest in tagged PvP in particular and even PvP in general. No, it won't.

Let me explain you by what factors any PvP-community is driven (Ryzom being no exception).

1) Achievement - and by this term I mean not silly titles or checkmarks in Achievement list, I mean the feeling that you have reached something, that you and your team / guild / alliance have changed the world around.

2) Rewards - be it loot from enemies or their property, or PvP points, badges, whatever. The stuff you get if you win.

3) PvP mechanics and PvP itself as a process - interesting mechanics with a lot of variety and theorycrafting, engaging activity in which one have to think and act fast, have to know the game, with lots of things to choose from, fitting different playstyles - that's what keep players interested and makes them logging in game.

Now, in Ryzom, there is:

- no achievements to speak of. Win 100 fights or lose 100 fights, your faction neither gain nor lose anything. Your actions in PvP don't matter, end of story.

- no rewards to speak of. Rewards obtained with PvP points are scarce and aren't that good, the only thing that is useful is the skirt and crystals for Maras.

- mechanics and PvP process are so-so. There is strong emphasis on quality of gear and random numbers. The variety is low.

Consider all of this and you won't be surprised why PvP community in Ryzom is a small bunch and why PvP players don't stick around for long, when there are so many other games that have to offer much more to them.

So, when there is a new idea about a "PvP revamp" of any sort, I measure it against three main points I have mentioned above. If the idea doesn't help or improve any of them, I consider it a waste of developer's time.

Good point and i fully agree with you. I quote it on the main topic. Thanks.


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