Change "Dead Pool" PVP back to faction PVP

Fame is not so obvious, since you attack a homin and normally not the representative of a government or faction (unless its an npc), and they don't even know your name because they never ask you, so a random homin bandit gets negative fame (you know it as a player, your character doesn't).
As stated by Namcha (Lorist) you may be seen on a battlefield, or lost fame with your friends watching / supporting you etc.
Its not only a matter of recognizing the face of an Homin.
Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

This is a good idea yes legit, but it implies we will all be thief.

Which may not be good for everyone.


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