

i beg to disagree with the i suppose as wisdom repeated words: "we are all the 'stupid troll' of someone else" <-- does the troll concept include the desire and pursued purpose of disrupting an other's dispute or simple chat.

I have no such intention. I am nobody's troll.

Nor do i side with the comment, that we differ only about details. There can and do exist principal differences in fundamentals concerning which there can be no compromise, though practicality demands often that one tolerate and even respect the contraty views respective fundamental principles of others.

as for the topic in question: is PVP RP.. i side with those who say: No! It is not RP

RP can include PVP, but PVP is in its very nature not itself RP

Again i make the attempt also to point out, hopefully this time not out of topic: RP is not the same as playing a role in ryzom, it is but one way to play a role in ryzom the game. To illustrate: CSR and GM definitely play a role in the ryzom game, in that they control and watch over the game, ryzom and its future development.

I play a role in the game simply by being involved with it and definitely by subbing it. But none of that which i do, none of the role that i play in the game is RP. Not in the least! and i would not have it any other way.

So again if state it simply: role <> RP <> RPG ... rather they are all related but not identical possible modes of interaction. Thereby is only playing a role at all, as such, inevitable.
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