Change "Dead Pool" PVP back to faction PVP

As I wrote in "is pvp rp", I think to solve this, one should always pay consequences of its acts : lose/win fraction of fame each time you exchange, gain xp with, rez, an enemy/ally. (so a scope not only focused on pvp act)

something like 0.05 per act is enough to loose your 100%. But in detail, like pvp points calculation, the amout could be weighted by the gap between your fame and the other guy one's.

If the actual PVP-System should stay, there have to be some improvements. The idiom: "Try new ideas, but dont leave good traditions". The old system was quite good, but restricted. So its not the real freedom most players want here. But in freedom there are always consequences for their acts. I like the idea of namcha loosing fame by killing own people i.e. Kami kills a Kami. So the one who kill loose fame on kamis. But also gain fame by killing Mara or Karavan as Kami would work as well. Just 0,1 Fame or lower maybe would be enough.

Another idea would be loosing dappers. Lets say 1-10% randomly of the dappers you have in you bag or maybe also faction points, you earned yourself at about 1-10% of the points you have randomly.

If you are in team with someone and support the one, who kills other, will also get the half of the dappers and factionpoints.

Or lets say it is only PVP-Points. Then the stolen PVP-Points have to be lower than the getting PVP-Points i.e.

Or loot one item in bag randomly, which is not locked?

The idea could be tested in a PVP Event?

Freedom means also having consequences for the acts. When you kill others in the actual "factional PVP" it would have more meaning by earning or loosing something except getting PVP-Points. And to be clear, i am talking only about "Free-for-Tag" factional PVP.

But in the end, it can be also abused. The CoC is strict when it comes to PVP. No idea in that point, what could come.

There should be also something to protect very new players from this. So it should not possible to be tagged until you reach 25 fame negative or positive. This behavior in PVP Regions like lands of umbra or nexus shouldnt be implemented in my opinion. Maybe if the players are habituated with this gameplay. For treks there is allways the option not go through ToT.

Maybe this idea is worth to make a new thread.


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