
Should we have a separate Roleplay channel?

...adding 2 lines won't destroy your Ryzom, and can do good (or do nothing at all - but at least we tried).
I had simply hoped that we could find something a bit better than the digital equivalent of a sticky note that won't be read. Good intentions are nice, but I'm pragmatic enough to prefer results. However, I also prefer minor good results with no downside over more effective solutions with drawbacks.
We should all calm down and think of a solution that will resolve issues from BOTH sides, not only 1.
Tensions run high as folks on both sides feel their way of (game) life is under attack, but yes, this is best handled by cool heads on both sides.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit Tuesday, 7 January 16:56:21 UTC

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