
Should we have a separate Roleplay channel?

To Gidget:

Lets imagine we have a separate RP-channel as you suggested. I log in this game for the first time and start my journey on Atys.
I finally end up in the same area with some roleplaying folks who use emotes (that still work in around as I guess you'd still want to see your waves there).
They don't seem to communicate as they are talking on the separate roleplaying channel that I have no idea of.
I just see the emotes and silent homins walking around or standing doing nothing.

Lets note that I have never tried roleplay before so I don't even realize it exists here.

How will I learn to know that such form of playing exists?
How do I learn to understand that the seemingly afking players are actually having lots of fun that I might greatly enjoy if tried?
How would this separate roleplaying channel save me from confusion when I bump into homins from my own faction and I don't seem to understand their way of playing the faction play?
How would this separation of the "so tight and helpful and nice community" be beneficial for us in any, I mean any way?

If you don't understand something the most primal instinct is fear -> hate.
So let's fix it by spreading information, not hiding it even more.
I'm sorry you had to experience so many issues with roleplay but I don't think those past bad experiences should be carried to the new generations and brought up over and over again.
That is not the Ryzom the new players want to learn to know.


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Last visit Friday, 7 March 02:51:11 UTC

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