
Should we have a separate Roleplay channel?

-Separate the around channel (and community?) into RP and none RP isn’t useful, only two prevention line are largely enough because we easily can peacefully live and play together.

I really wish we could peacefully live and play together. And if I felt that two lines of ignorable text would do that, this whole thread would never have existed. Maybe this discussion will result in some sort of compromise that will render the idea moot though, and if that happens then I would consider that a win.

In any event, I would prefer to not be made out to be a villain here for having opinions or experiences that do not match those of others, or for having a different view on how best to reduce pointless conflict between players.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit Tuesday, 7 January 15:40:45 UTC

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