
Should we have a separate Roleplay channel?

As Revvy says in the other post I ask myself if we're playing the same game.

Around is NOT the RP channel. It never has been

I don't see how you can say that. I've been on ryzom for several years and around has always been the Roleplay channel.
Sometimes being used during events

ALL THE TIME being used during events ! Can you only once prove otherwise ? and I can tell you that I have attended almost every event for several years
( I hope you don't confuse the around channel, and the channel created for the translation of the around channel )

Be careful, I have nothing against you or against people who don't do roleplay. You shouldn't simply reverse things.
I'm not saying that Around should be used exclusively for roleplay.
It is customary if people use it to make roleplay which ones have priority to use it without being bothered by non roleplay

The proof that Around channel was created to make roleplay is that in special commands to make it
/say (or nothing ) to talk 25m range
/sh for to shout only valid in around 50m range
Tell me what the /sh command can be used for if it's not for roleplay?

Now no one will put you in jail if you use around in any way you like
It's just a way of behaving so as not to disturb other players.
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