
Should we have a separate Roleplay channel?

"No, I think Around is the RP channel even though many others disagree"

Many others agree.
Yes, there are many on both sides of the issue. I put that option there for the sake of those who feel maintaining the status quo (conflict, confusion, and all) is preferable to any solution that requires change.
I'm perfectly okay with roleplayers using it for RP but they have to accept that it's not the channel's only function. Sure, use it for your RP but don't get mad that other people use it to speak OOC. If you want a channel just for RP, make a dedicated RP channel.
If they did accept that then we would not be having this discussion. There would be no need/desire for warnings or notices or separate channels. Alas, reality is not always ideal so here we are, and now we have to figure out what to do about it.
I don't know how good of an idea this is but a Roleplay tag that causes the tagged player's text in the Around channel a different color could also be a thing, maybe? We could use a Roleplay tag anyway.
Great idea!
Right now I'm seeing a lot of "Your fun is wrong and our way of playing the game is the only right way", which is getting quite annoying.
I've been annoyed by that for more years than I've been playing Ryzom. However, this is also the first game I've played where they community is reasonable enough to even bother trying to have any sort of discussion. I have faith that even those who disagree with me will at least listen respectfully.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit Tuesday, 7 January 15:48:25 UTC

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