
Should we have a separate Roleplay channel?

It seems that some folks like to use Around strictly for RP while others like to use it to chat (often OOC) with un-teamed homins in the immediate vicinity without the hassles of making teams or leagues that dissolve as soon as the conversation is over. And that has led to a bit of conflict between those who have differing views on what Around is really for.

There is already one thread about one possible remedy, but I have an alternative proposal that I would like some constructive feedback on; creating a Roleplay channel that functions much the same as Around (notably, limited range) but as it is separate from Around, it leaves no ambiguity as to whether something is IG or OOC without the hassles of, say, typing brackets on every comment or trying to remember whether italic is IG or not.

My goal here is simply to have the RP and non-RP folks each be able to do their thing without some of the confusion or conflict that we have, and do so in a manner that causes the least inconvenience. The only downside I see is that a small minority would have to click a different chat tab than the one that they are used to, and I consider that as a pretty minor inconvenience to a small number of people and thus more acceptable than some other ideas that have greater impacts on more people. But I also admit that my idea is likely less-than-perfect and would like to hear either ideas on how to refine it a bit or on more effective alternatives to a Roleplay channel or Revvy's suggestion.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit Tuesday, 7 January 16:06:08 UTC

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