What would you like for this year on Ryzom?

be fun to have a fifth branch of magic: Conjuration.
-Summon a creature or creatures to fight for you.
-Your level,your amp's conjure stat, and your conjure stanzas determine the level of the mob
-each type of mob has a quest in order to conjure it. Or perhaps just bought like craft plan.
-more dangerous mobs would have a larger cooldown timer, or require many multiple casts to invoke.
-perhaps more than one conjurer could cast a team conjuration to create a really big mob like a named.
-you level by selecting a target, conjuring your mob, and if it wins it generates the xp.
-conjured mobs don't drop loot
-if no attackable target, just follows you around - which would be fun.
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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:54:49 UTC

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