Lore & Chronicles

Tales and Legends of Atysmas

Rhyme sung by Krill - Atysmas Storytelling Assembly in Jena Year 2576 (2013-12-22)


*stands up and places her hands behind his back*
*recites in a childish voice*

On the night of Atysmas dashes a large white Homin
A large snowhomin with a carrot for a nose
A large snowhomin, pursued by the cold
He reaches Pyr
He sees the light and is reassured
In the Forge he enters without knocking
To warm up he approaches the fires
And suddenly... He disappears!
Leaving only a carrot, surrounded by a puddle
Leaving only a carrot , and a big black hat
That's it

Y hope you enjoyed the Matis poem by Jak' Prever
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Last visit Sunday, 22 December 02:04:52 UTC

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