Lore & Chronicles

Tales and Legends of Atysmas

Poem by Sharleen - Atysmas Storytelling Assembly in Jena Year 2576 (2013-12-22)

Happy Atysmas

Take a look at how the sky is so red,
Those are the fairies who bake the bread.

They bake Atysmas bread uncommon,
a sweet delicacy for the small and large homin.

I wish from my heart to you a refrain
for many days with no worry or pain,

A sky filled with stars unnumbered,
And a smile on your face unencumbered.

I wish you only joy, never sorrow,
And always a feeling of comfort for the morrow.

Behold: shining like a beautiful sight,
stands the Atysmas tree to give us delight.

Look how the golden light falls
and refracts on the delicate balls.

"Happy Atysmas" softly sounds,
As a bright star begins it rounds.

It shines brightly from heaven's rent
Upon the world of Atys it is sent.

So it becomes an Atysmas request,
And also for the upcoming year,
I wish to you only the best.
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