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I don't see the checkbox to valide the post with [en, fr, de etc] tags.
And this is only on some forums ( like general ), on Idea or any others it work.
No matter what i try unfortunatly.

Those are multilingual tags and available if enabled per-forum config.

If those are allowed only then there is checkbox for multilingual under subject.

Your best option (if those tags not available) is still use those tags and mark your post for the (primary) language in your writing (ie, whichever tag you decide to use first).

Okay get it, so its not a bug, just the admin need to pull the flag for translation tags, could be nice really for everyone.

Anyway that was not the point of my first post, but good to know for sure ;)

Edited my post, removed "bug" and did keep the spoiler tag because its fancy, waiting some in charge people to activate the translation tags.


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