Discussion around "Outpost Refactoring"

More thoughts about proposed changes.

I personally dislike the 1 hour battles idea. As we all know, there is a common tactic of declaring at sh... *cough* uncomfortable hours for your opponents. While it’s surely annoying, this is a valid tactic. The only counter to this tactic, as of now, is 2-hours length of battles.

People tend to be busy IRL, not everyone can log in game before a battle starts. But they can do it during 2 hours of active phase. I’ve seen many battles in which things initially went south for one of the sides, but then this side gathered enough players during first 8-12 rounds to turn the tables and actually win the battle.

2 hours length:

- allows more players participate in battles;
- gives a chance for the side, outnumbered from the start, to win or at least to put up a fight;
- partially counters attacks at “bad” times

1 hour length:

- too fast-paced, leaves more players out;
- allows more abuse of “let’s attack at 5 a. m. in their timezone” tactic.


"People let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say "So what". That's one of my favorite things to say. "So what". - Andy Warhol.

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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 14:49:56 UTC

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