Discussion around "Outpost Refactoring"


I'm against the decrease of the costs, as right now it's the only effective dapper sink in game. Guilds have hundreds of millions lying around with nothing to spend them on. Remove the OP costs and you can remove dappers as well, because there will be no use for them. TP costs are negligible.

Phase 2 should remain in place, in my opinion. The owners of OP should have a chance to defend their property. Over the years I have witnessed many battles in which an OP was saved in Phase 2, so this part of the game mechanic is useful. Before anyone brings "but this will help to change OP ownership more often" argument. Remember that Ryzom is played by people from different timezones. Losing an OP because you got outnumbered or outsmarted is OK. Losing an OP because a battle occurs at the time, when 3/4 of my faction is asleep or at work is definitely NOT OK. Phase 2 should stay as it is.

The rotation of materials, removal of low Q mats and attacks of NPC or mobs are all good ideas.

But I think the team of designers working of this project miss the point. The lack of interest in OP content is caused not by battle mechanics. It might be a part of the problem, but a minor part. The main reason is that rewards doesn't worth the effort.

Rebalancing of the OP mats would give the Outposts more, than all the changes proposed in this thread. Armillo, rubbarn and maga are fine, but what about other materials? Weapon mats are good for fancy looking stuff, but doesn't really affect gameplay in any meaningful way. Egiros takes a very small niche, greslin and cheng are trash.

I'd say, if you want to bring back the interest in Outposts, revise the OP mats first, everything else can be postponed.


"People let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say "So what". That's one of my favorite things to say. "So what". - Andy Warhol.

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