Discussion around "Outpost Refactoring"

I recently raised a similar statement.

- Adding a new building type such as barracks. Purpose of this new building will be to train PNJs to defend the outpost while the owners are not there. This will have a cost to build the building and recruit PNJs.

I raised this because for me it doesn't make sense to have kamis alignment outpost in the forest without any reactions from the kingdom. And for me, we should have auto-attack on regular basis by PNJs (and as the outpost will need to be maintain ghost guild can't hold them anymore only active guild will do).

Also, as I previously said: this statement from the original post "The Game Design team, composed of volunteers from all factions and adepts of all game styles, has been thinking about redesigning the outposts to give them back a real interest. " is FALSE.

All ideas presented here doesn't give more interest in the outpost (which are already useless (except rubarn one). Everything discussed here is about balancing the ownership of the outpost.
Some of the ideas are good (like removing the 2 phase or randomize the MPs) others not (Like the point 4 ... why giving priorities to someone ... outpost are for everyone not only for those to lazy to take one by themselves specially if the past OP owner does not have the chance to defend it's outposrt from the PNJ/Kitin attacks described in this point.
(99.9% this idea is an attempt from PvE players to include PvE in outpost (while outpost exists for PvP) because they do not want to do PvP).

my 2 cents.
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