Discussion around "Outpost Refactoring"

What about phase 2? Removed or not?

#4 May be 1/4 of the OP should be suffisant, or there will be OP battle every day and no more time for RP Event.

#1 The decrease of the battle cost should be indexed on the size of the guild, the smaller the guild, the bigger the discount. But to avoid that alt guild declare war to artificially reduce the cost, the number of attackers should be limited to be eligible to the discount. RP speaking this makes sense, the "cost" of an attack representing the organization, armament expenses etc. which are necessarily less important for a small guild and few attackers.

#3 How would the rotation of the materal be done? 72 days from the date the guild takes the OP or on a fixed date for all OP at the same time? Will the new production be visible somewhere or can the guild keep it secret if they want to?


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
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