Discussion around "Outpost Refactoring"

Outposts refactoring - 1

The Game Design team, composed of volunteers from all factions and adepts of all game styles, has been thinking about redesigning the outposts to give them back a real interest. It is the result of this reflection, which we began to share with you at the recent Ryzom Forge meetings, which has raised many comments and concerns.
As a result, we would now like to move to collaborative development, in order to involve you in the upcoming changes. To this end, we will propose several modifications as we go along and, if they are acceptable to the majority, they will be applied in game. We will then submit further proposals to you and, of course, study your own.

Among the different proposals initially selected by the Game Design team, the three initial proposals that we offer to you are:

1. The decrease in the cost of attacks and the cost of squads (which will remain expressed in dappers);

2. Reducing the duration of battles to one hour;

3. A rotation of materials between the various outposts, every 72 days IRL, coupled with the withdrawal of outpost materials of quality 50 and 100.
Thus, depending on the year of Jena (a year of Jena = 72 IRL days, or 2.4 months), any outpost could produce materials of quality 150, 200 or 250, with a lower yield for those producing materials of higher quality than the level of their region of establishment.

To this, we add a modification planned by Nevrax:

4. The attack and taking of half the outposts by NPCs or kitins every 72 days IRL.
Each guild will then be able to register to try to take back one of these outposts, but without knowing which material it will produce… Priority will be given to guilds without outposts.

We invite interested players to vote for these four proposals and to give their opinions and comments in response to this post.


Ryzom Team Manager
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