
Marauders attacking diggers returning from PR in cities

Even if you wanted to attack back, you can't, unless i am also baby root PvP flag or, you are flag with the (non-exist) RP flag.

A lil lesson of GamePlay: There actually in game 3 types of flag.

1. "RP" flag: The flag you active by clicking on the green sword near your name infos. It allow mutuals players who did activate it to fight each other.

2. Baby roots ( or arena ) flag: When you go there, the game itself tells you: " You are now in a Guild PvP Zone: Here, guilds can confront each other". And, when you leave: "You left the PvP Zone, You are still attackable for 120 seconds".

What mean:

- If both players are on the PvP zone: they can attack each other.
- If only one player was on the PvP Zone: Only this one get tagged for 120 seconds and is attackable by everyone who feel to.

3. OP Battle Flag:

a. You are OP Battle flagged: You can be attacked only by someone who choosed ( for example ) defense if you took attack.

b. You are OP Battle flagged and also RP flagged: You can be attacked by both. The one who took defense when you took attack and an another player who is not even involved on the OP Battle but is RP flagged as you also are.
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Last visit Thursday, 5 December 02:42:27 UTC

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