Change to rite reward for Trykers and Lake Materials

As far as i know all rites will have a revision in the future. But for this Tryker Lake Materials Rite especially was discussed in the past, to add a foraging stanza as bonus, so that every Homin can decide to use or not.

For me a stanza seems to be the better way, to handle different actions of foraging. So it could be used if you dig auto-generated sources, and not for a "normal" digging action (depends on the players choice).

But in every case i'm pretty sure, that everyone could be able to compensate the time-bonus-part of the actually given rite-bonus before focus runs out by having and using two digging actions.

But this makes digging not as comfortable as it is without the rite bonus. And this seems to be the real problem, because a time bonus isn't real needed for level 200+ diggers.

Solving this means, to let the player decide if a digging bonus is wanted or not. And so a new stanza instead of an automated added bonus is the best way to solve.
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Last visit Thursday, 19 September 21:54:24 UTC

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