I completely dissagree. It makes total sense.Let me explain: In real life it would be like this, Homin 1 has only one master, 2h sword, Homin 2 has multi melee masters.Homin 1 uses his/her sword 7 days a week thus becomming very adept at using it and all the nuances involved, muscle training, the weight of it and how it glides through the air and basically very adept at using it. Homin two has many masters having spent a lot of time training all of them, is very proficient at them all and can choose which one to use based on the opponents weakness. (Which in his training, he should know which weapon to use to exploit that), and yes, I have experience this myself!So, on Monday, Homin 1 trains/uses 2h sword, Homin 2 trains/uses 2h sword. On Tuesday, Homin 1 trains/uses 2h sword, Homin 2 trains/uses 2h mace. On Wednesday, Homin 1 trains/uses 2h sword, Homin 2 trains/uses 2h axe. On Thursday, Homin 1 uses/trains 2h sword, Homin 2 trains/uses 2h spear. On Friday, Homin 1 uses/trains 2h sword, Homin 2 trains/ uses Daggers. Do you see where I am going?Homin 1 trains his 2h sword 7 days a week, where Homin 2 'Gets Rusty,' even if a tiny bit since Homin 2 is only training/using that weapon 1 day a week while Homin 1 uses that one weapon 7 days a week! Yes, the game mechanics limit reality on this, but this is how it would be in Real life, so to make it real, I still disagree that you say a multi master should always win.Naema:) We are saying that it makes 0 sense for someone who is a spirit of war to lose to one weapon master. What we are talking about is to cumulatively reward every person who is on the process of mastering skills so that they get an advantage (which is what happens in all games) over someone who is just starting over.
On the contrary what we propose makes much more sense than the current situation; since everyone who PvPs switches around 5-7 weapons each fight to match the oposition's set up. However and again; the diversity and plurality that could be presented in this game; is gone to hell, because again, someone who has mastered one weapon can kill you...So effectively you gain nothing in a Player vs Player environment by being the master of all combat skills.
When it comes to pvp: If you have mastered one handed axe you dont need to master one handed mace, if you have mastered 2 handed axe, you dont have to master 2 handed sword etc. Players dont seem to comprehend that the "advantages" each weapon supposedly has over another are imaginary (excluding spear/pike which have their merits only due to the ignore armor factor) because in actual PvP scenarios it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the set-up; counter-dodge/counter-parry etc...But even this is nullified by what has already been stated.