Give Rewards for Multi-Masters Part 2: Forage Skills

Sounds to me, basically you are asking to remove the 250 skills cap.

I am not sure I agree that for one person who grinds up sword master to 250 and uses it constantly should lose to another one who has mastered all melee (Due to a 'bump' in HP).
You can only use one weapon at a time and other skills may become 'rusty' over time or neglect to keep ALL your skills up. It doesn't make sense really.

I understand the desire for a reward for your hard work, but just not this way.

the 'Madness skill?' Well perhaps a better resistance to it. (Haven't looked to see if there is a jewel recipe that works against it, so I am not commenting on that yet. Otherwise perhaps better jewels can be crafted)?

So getting back to getting rid of the 250 skill cap. I think it has to end somewhere, and I'm fine with 250. Otherwise, are you going to have homins who are 750 in skills zapping Kinkoo like he was an ant? No, I don't think so. I have entertained the Idea of rewarding Rangers with a PvE 'Buff' while maybe rewarding Marauders with a PvP 'Buff,' after certain requirements are met, but I am not so sure we want to go down that road.

I am in favor of adding content where we can, but we can't change this game into another game without massive rewritting of the code, in which case, we would have to remake the game. I would be all for that, it needs perhaps a little refresh. (Imagine it in 3D?) Like ...ah nevermind, I regress.

I admit, I didn't read every post on this thread, so my comments reflect either this one or posts on part one, but I really don't like the idea of rewarding someone just because they mastered ALL melee skills against someone who only has 1 master. That person who has 1 melee master uses it all the time and has also worked up to 250 just like the other person, so they should be just as good at using it, if not better.

So, I have to say: -1

P.S. Oh sorry, after going back you are talking about focus here, I guess my post here refers more to Part 1 about giving multi masters a 'Buff' over those with only 1 master in melee or whatever. Feel free to move this post to the other one whoever can do that. :)

Naema:) We are saying that it makes 0 sense for someone who is a spirit of war to lose to one weapon master. What we are talking about is to cumulatively reward every person who is on the process of mastering skills so that they get an advantage (which is what happens in all games) over someone who is just starting over.

Also I am sorry; but your "rustyness" example shows no merit; because this game is based on set-up when it comes to PvP mechanics. The mechanics are not allowed to function because of the madness bug and how the combat system is structured..Therefore it makes multi-masters effectively useless compared to someone who plays one month.

On the contrary what we propose makes much more sense than the current situation; since everyone who PvPs switches around 5-7 weapons each fight to match the oposition's set up. However and again; the diversity and plurality that could be presented in this game; is gone to hell, because again, someone who has mastered one weapon can kill you...So effectively you gain nothing in a Player vs Player environment by being the master of all combat skills.

Again, when it comes to foraging...No advantage. Etc. etc.

In every game the players who invest time are rewarded de facto. Whether we like it or not; that's how games are played. You invest x time; you get y reward. This gives you an advantage over players and environment. That's how you know you are good in the game, and differ from someone who just started now.

With the current situation that's not the case.

So the question is Why Bother finishing the skills?

About your madness question: The Skill is Bugged. This is a well known thing for years now. Even boosted PvP jewels dont work. The bug is that a q fifteen skill has one in four chance to pass to someone with boosted gear and being an affli master; and the user doing the affli doesnt have to be a master at all. (But that discussion has been exhausted; evidently no one cares; or those that do do not know how to fix it; but if my proposal passes I dont really mind).

We are not asking to remove the cap; we are asking to make those who invest time feel rewarded.

Also about the Kinkoo example: It can already be done with 3 people...

It's time to understand in this community that the players that "complain" or "want something more" is because they have exhausted what is present here now. You guys seem to treat Ryzom like Skyrim or something...I don't want to pay ten euros per month to play skyrim; I payed the one-time fee and I have it someplace...

This is an MMORPG, MMORPG inherently have the concept of uber players, power creeps etc, and for a reason..Do you know why? So that players that are at the verge of being bored with the game, stay, stay because of the special status they have, or because they can actually do something in the game that a one-month player cannot.

All successful MMORPGS allow for storylines to occur from their player-base because of something they do; in our case this is not the case; because of how unbalanced the system is; hard work is not rewarded in any case..In Ryzom you cannot have your Athenes, your Reckfuls, etc. That is a problem..So what incentive do you give to the hardcore player base to stay if they cannot become one?

The purposed changes have in mind the recognition IN GAME of the dedication and hard work of the players who have stayed in this game all this time and have devoted their time in mastering theirs skills. (Which is the aim of the game eitherway). Someone is a master of all skills..Hooray great...He still dies exactly the same way to a kirosta the 95% of the rest of us do. He still dies exactly the same to a player the 95% of the rest of us do.

The way the current system works; is that there is no point in mastering any skill after some point; because you gain exactly 0 advantage. MMORPGS never work like that.

When it comes to pvp: If you have mastered one handed axe you dont need to master one handed mace, if you have mastered 2 handed axe, you dont have to master 2 handed sword etc. Players dont seem to comprehend that the "advantages" each weapon supposedly has over another are imaginary (excluding spear/pike which have their merits only due to the ignore armor factor) because in actual PvP scenarios it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the set-up; counter-dodge/counter-parry etc...But even this is nullified by what has already been stated.

In PvE situations the same thing occurs; if you have mastered one of the weapons on the given skill tree that allows you to kill any boss without succumbing to its resistances; there is no necessitation, nor an advantage to be gained, by mastering others in the skill tree. This is inherently problematic: Essentially a homina with 3 melee mastered can be a tank of the same caliber with a homina of all melee mastered. (Assuming skill and gear are equal). With this being the case in point; why then someone should bother to finish the remaining skills? If it's one and the same?

(Countless examples of players leaving because of this reason...)

The grind just for the grind's sake doesn't work in games anymore. (take a look at what happens in a Ryzom's competitor atm and how they have dealt it).

Since you posted in the forage thread (and thank you for taking the time to do so): Again; countless friends have said: Okay I mastered a region and PR..Why bother master the rest; since a) I gain no advantage by actually digging in x or y area b) All the good mats are in PR eitherway?

So to counter-balance this; give incentive; translated into Game-Play for Players to actually want to master the rest of the skill tree. A measly +50 focus is nothing to look at (especially with the Nation Picks and Armillo boosts) but hey it does add something; and a player who wants to be the best the game can offer will do it..(+250 focus btw are exactly what; one digging action).

As it stands right now: There is no advantage game play wise to proceed with finishing the skill trees; you get your fundamentals; you are good to go. That's not a bad thing. That's a good thing. What I, and others, are saying is that after the 20,30,40,50 skill mastered, it makes no sense to master more skills because it doesn't translate into anyhting game-play wise. And that's a problem.

Fundamental rule of all MMORPGS and Life: Time invested/Profit gained. Atm (leaving aside the gear discussion which for those that post here is already solved long and gone) there is no Profit to be gained from the time invested. That's why we are at a dead-end.


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