An Open Statement Concerning Zo-Kian Outpost Situation

Naema wakes up to a cold blustery day and feels something is not right. She smells the winds of war blowing her way. Not a good way to wake up.

It has been ages since that dark menace has shown its face her way since she chose the ways of peace by becoming a Ranger.

She drinks some of Anichios mead to wake herself up to reality and to realize that it seems some things never change. A tear falls from her eye.

She realized she better start stretching her tire muscles and prepare. Many times she has swung the sword, but alway towards Kitins for the most part. Now it will be agains homins. She gets her mind situated on that, and prepares... prepares to help her fellow Rangers defend an OP for the benefit of Hominity. Also, asks that her fellow guildies not fight against her as she has a strong relationship with them. Be that as it may, what comes, comes!

She throws on her battle gear and grabs her weapons and heads out the door with a steel gaze.
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