
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge Meeting report (2018-05-07)

[General Forge news]: infos

[RF] Formation of a unique "Ryzom" team, composed of members of Ryzom Forge and those under NDA

We are breaking another internal wall and mixing RF and NDA members inside the maximum of project workgroups (included projects started as NDA). The goal is to have only one big Ryzom Team. Of course RF can't access all (primitives, some datas, private Lore, event scenarios... are under NDA) but it does not avoid it to be part of almost all the current and future projects.

[RF] Opening of a Marketing Team

We just created a marketing team!It plans to work on several fronts:
-Content: creation of polls to allow us to better know our players and therefore better target potential future players, creation of e-books, trailers...
-Digital marketing: keyword research and optimization.
-Branding: redesign and improvement of the website, goodies...
-Events and press releases: writing and sending press releases, organizing and publishing interviews...

There's a lot to do, but for that we need help! Maybe you have your help if you want to help out!

If you want to join this new team, apply!
To apply, send an email to with the following information:

-Last name and First name (not required if you do not wish to be under NDA);
-Name of the main Ryzom account;
-Your motivation for joining the team and what you can bring;
-Your spoken languages.

[RF] Opening of a Game Design Team

Official announcement:

The Game Design team designs and closely monitors the creation and implementation of gameplay content for Ryzom. It is the only one to validate or not the choices in terms of gameplay content. It will make sure that these choices are in accordance with Winch Gate's requests, the players' expectations, the CSR's concerns and in total respect with the Lore. It will regularly inform the other teams/groups of the decisions and they can comment, suggest or ask questions.

The Game Design Team imagines and designs (in a general way) but does not realize. The realization is the responsibility of Devs (client/server/primitives coding), Level Designers (specific design and scripting), Arkitectes (ARK coding) and Graphic Designers (2D/3D creation, etc.).

If you want to join this new team, apply! Ryzom needs you!
(It is not necessary to sign a NDA.)
To apply, send an email to AND with the following information:
- Last name and First name (not required if you do not wish to be under NDA);
- Name of the main Ryzom account;
- General knowledge of Ryzom;
- General knowledge of Video Games (the ones which you have played, finished, etc.);
- Your motivation for joining the team and what you can bring;
- Your spoken languages.

[RF] [WIP] Grouping internal tools onto Nexcloud

This new tool hosted by our own server will gather all our current internal tools in the same place (in several tabs):- WebIG
- Kanboard
- Rocket
- Gallery (Pictures and Videos)
- Files: Diagrams, .txt, .odt, .pdf, Pad (Etherpad replaces Paper, we have just finished to import all our Paper doc there), Calc…

We’ll have a “MANUALS” folder to share all our manuals, tutorials, technical docs, etc.

[RF] Scheduling one RF meeting per week (instead of 2 by months) to have shorter ones? (your opinion?)

The decision is taken to stay to 2 meetings per month, with the possibility to insert a third one if necessary, as suggested by Depyraken.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
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