One small mistake

After countless days and nights of fighting, Jahuu takes a rest in the Horncher ponds of Loria.

Fresh master of every weapon takes deep breath and looks around. He remembers this place very well.

It's been long time, many things have happened. New home in the camp in the Hidden Source is starting to feel like a right place to be. Living with Jellona and other Marauders has not been easy, but every day seems slightly better.

This quiet and cold autumn night gives flashbacks. Particularly one poem, that helped to keep hope up when everything was lost.
The dreams are dark;
It's hard to sleep.
Life is hectic;
It's hard to thread.

As my eyes close,
I wish,
For you.

The cold is coming;
It's hard to move.
Work is taxing;
It's hard to win,

As my eyes open,
I wake,
For you.

After long meditation, he wakes up from these thoughts. Holding a tiny crystal in hand, Jahuu disappears from the ponds, to home.


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