Goo Knights of Katrina

Bluaarbthi's background story:

I've always been dwelling the desert. My parents thought me to navigate this place well, how could it be other then that, they were traders, living on the back of their mektoub, always on the move...
Sleeping under the Atysyan sky, all was good.

Needless to say trading in such a hard landscape comes with many dangers, the drought, the carnivores,the bandits. My parents understood this very well, they've been trekking the desert lik their parents did it before them, as did their parents parents did.

As soon i grew of age they sent me to Pyr. They knew of a school wich could refine the skills off a travelling trader. It included some basic economic skills, some crafting, some languages, but mainly how to defend yourself. This is the place where i picked up my 2H axe skills.
The institute was run by kamist monks. The trainig was pretty hard and required a lot of discipline. One of the students there was Spitadoor, a quiet guy, he realy never said a thing. His parents also were traders, but they travelled the roots mainly. It was clear something happened there when he was very young and he still had the mental scars from it.

One day we were assigned to assist a group of traders, going from Pyr to Zora. They needed to pick up a batch of silvio seed near Shooting Meadow, so a route thru Under Spring was planned. I was excited, i had heard much about the roots, but had never been there. Along with some other students, Spitadoor also got selected to join. All went well until the first night. We set up camp near deadtree stronghold. A schedule was made up who would keep guard. Because this was part of our training some students needed also to perform this task. I got paired with some old tryker and Spitadoor. We stayed close to the campfire.

I just noticed Spitadoor was stranger then ever. At some point he mumbled some words and a spell was cast from his daggers. The old tryker didn't have a chance, ...he slept. "Come", said Spitadoor. I think this was the first time i heard him speak at all. "We need to go to deadtree hole", he whispered. "There is something you must see..." I didn't have a clue what he was talking about or why he sabotaged the guarding task. I declined and woke the old tryker. The moment we could sound the alarm Spitadoor was already gone.

Some days later after the assignement, when we got back to Pyr, i saw Spitadoor again. He attented classes as if nothing had happened. I told my mentor what had happened, but he just smiled..."We knew this could happen, we thought he was ready..."

Clearly something was different with him after that, he kept talking about the great monolith, nobody had a clue what that was all about. He was cheerfull and talkative, a whole other person. I say nobody, but every night i had a feeling he was in my dreams, showing me the monolith, talking about goo. He was in my dreams for so long i got to like him very much, he became part of me.

I finished my training some years later. Sadly enough both my parents died before they could see me graduate. Cherkin got them...

I took over their business and business was good. I sleep under the stars again and embrace the desertwinds. The only thing what i need to know right know is: ... what answers lie in the goo wich Spitadoor kept telling me about
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