One small mistake

Well now you did it. Sharp tongue and too little thinking, maybe a bit drunk and here we are.

The Matis Noble who was always pushing me ever since I moved to Yrkanis. I had to say something to him, fight back. Of course he was having a meeting with embassadors of other lands. The words didn't stop, I kept yelling at the fellow, until guards came and threw me out of the city.

"I'll make sure that you will be killed on sight if you happen to come anywhere near cities, I have powerful friends!"

At least the sun is shining brigtly this morning. For some reason even my teleporter pacts don't seem to work, the noble sure wasn't kidding about his powerful friends.

Gotta get to Loria to my mektoubs, make sure they are okay. Maybe I'm lucky enough to steal some bales for them from Avalae... Looks like it's back to being a Nomad, but this time, alone.


After running through horrible Heretics Hovel, after fighting to get past Loria, finally all 4 Mektoubs greeted Jahuu.

"I have been alone before, I can survive with just me."

Jahuu takes stolen bale from his bag. Sharing it to feed all mektoubs.

"I'm stronger than I give myself credit."

Sitting in the ponds of Loria. Autumn sun, golden as 'duk sparkles, is falling behind horizon. To red, to black. Like the guild symbol of Grave of the Fireflies.

"Why can't I stop crying"


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